Author Archives: admin

DV10 csv to memory file writer

Despite the DV10 still being a broken mess and the remote commands not working properly we have found a way to write a csv file into the DV10 memory banks, unfortunately its slow, around 4 seconds to write a channel, … Continue reading

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AOR DV10 Firmware 1810A – 3 Months On – Same Problems

AOR finally released firmware 1810A for the AR DV10, after waiting almost 3 months for this update its a similar shambolic mess as the previous firmware. 1 or 2 relatively useless features have been added but more importantly the major … Continue reading

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AOR DV10 Firmware 1808D – Only If you visit Tokyo!

As if its not bad enough that AOR released the mess of the AR-DV10 for sale to the general public, they decided they would only release their latest 1808D firmware to people that visited their booth at the Tokyo Ham … Continue reading

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AOR DV10 Signal Image Problems Airband Images in 164MHz Region

Whilst using the DV10 we noticed it kept stopping on multiple signals in the 164MHz to 180MHz region that appeared to be AM modulated, when switching the radio to AM we found it was images from the aircraft band, most … Continue reading

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AOR DV10 Firmware 1807A Partial Crash No Audio or Digital Decode

Whist using the AR-DV10 yesterday with firmware 1807A it had some sort of partial crash that stopped all digital modes decoding in AUT1 automode and no audio could be heard from the radio when switched to FM or AM mode, … Continue reading

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AOR DV10 No Use for SSB/CW on 70cm Due to Frequency Error and Drift

Trying to listen for 70cm beacons on the AOR DV10 proved impossible due to the frequency error and drift, trying to listen to the GB3UHF beacon on 432.430 MHz we heard nothing until we tuned the radio up 1.2kHz, with … Continue reading

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AOR DV10 Firmware 1807A Bugs Faults & Frequency Drift

Tests results on AOR DV10 firmware 1807A, some small improvements but a long way to go. Frequency drift – Initial test on the frequency drift shows some improvement but further testing is continuing, as the radio warms up from ambient, … Continue reading

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AOR AR-DV10 No Use as a 406 MHz COSPAS SARSAT Receiver

A French company called PRO-SIC who is also AOR France and F5HPE offer a 180 Euro “Upgrade” for the AOR AR-DV10 to receive COSPAS SARSAT data on 406 MHz. Even if the DV10 met its +/- 5ppm spec it could … Continue reading

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AOR Admit 15kHz Filter on AR-DV10 to Mitigate Frequency Error / Drift

A post has appeared on Radio Reference indicating that AOR have deliberately used a 15000Hz (15kHz) filter in the AOR AR-DV10 to counter the radios terrible frequency error and drift. The issue with this is that 15kHz is far too … Continue reading

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DV10 Manager Causes AOR DV10 To Freeze Requiring Battery Removal

A full example of how memory and search bank functions of DV10 Manager do not work and cause the DV10 to freeze such that the power and battery need to be removed for the radio to re-boot.

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